A global community
specialising in optimising your
voice in health.

We believe in creating real human connections that believe in your brand, your message, and your voice. We want to help you navigate and provide solutions for your business through ethical and effective communications strategies.

We have over 25 years of experience in
the healthcare industry.

A letter from the founder –
Vanessa de Ascencao

My name is Vanessa De Ascencao, founder of VVOZ. Having spent over 17 years researching and working with some of the greatest minds in metaphysics, nutrition and health my passion is to educate, empower, inspire and create community. My approach to life, work, family and relationships is simple – love what you do, make a difference and keep going, creating and learning. I incorporate the latest scientific research, balanced with an acute understanding of human emotion and spirituality in all that I do. My quest to achieving the best possible health and wellness from within is ever evolving. I advocate a strong mind-body approach and I am committed to connecting with those who seek help in transforming their lives. People are living, feeling, emotional and spiritual beings – not machines, and so is your brand.

That’s why I started VVOZ – our approach combines the best of nutritional science with the art of living to connect and integrate with people in the way they really live, to create communities and networks of like-minded people who become your greatest asset. I believe that optimum communication strategies in health and wellness isn’t a final destination with a set of blueprints that’s fits all companies but rather an ongoing relationship with your people, your unique blueprint and strategy.

Like never before, consumers are calling on brands to lead the fight for human liberties, freedom, support the vulnerable, and take a stance on important social issues – with social media being a prime vehicle for communication. Across 7 countries, nearly as many want brands to focus on treating staff fairly (44%) and being vocal about social causes (41%), as on producing high-quality products (49%). While some businesses are worried about potentially alienating customers, the consequences of refusing to open up this kind of dialogue are often greater, given a fifth of millennials would think twice about buying from a brand lacking in political or social activism. Younger consumers increasingly expect companies to broadcast advocacy, and those that don’t risk growing stale or irrelevant.

The digital age has taken a hold of society, more than ever people have access to as much information as they can take in, competition is at an all-time high, you have a few seconds online to make an impression, that is why it is paramount for companies to create an online presence that reflects who they are and why they do what they do. The best salespeople today believe that the best part of their business are the relationships that they build.

Our goal is to create human connection in a digital age and reshape how you communicate.
Are you ready to expose yourself?

Best Regards,
Vanessa De Ascencao

Upgrade your story.

Reveal. Reach. Enrich.